
Organized by

Tournament completed!

Share the victory to your followers by giving a shout-out.


Rules and Informations





Code: Beast72

Point 1:

IMPORTANT: In order to participate, your account must have at least 300 games! This is how we avoid smurfaccounts and can guarantee a more pleasant game experience.

Point 2:

Smurfaccounts and barcodes are forbidden and will be immediately removed from the tournament and disqualified.

Point 3:

The MMR limit is open. Anyone can participate in the tournaments, whether bronze or GM. The tournaments are for the whole SC II community and everyone should have fun and get the chance to participate in such tournaments.

Point 4:

The latest mappool of the season is always played in tournament matches

 Current mappool!


Point 5:

All matches are played in Bo3.

Final bo5

Vetos are handled like this:

Ban 1  - Low Elo

Ban 2  - High Elo

Ban 3  - Low Elo

Ban 4  - High Elo

Map 1 - Low Elo

Map 2 - High Elo

Map 3 - Low Elo

When the three maps are set, they are played. The result is then entered in Challonge.

Point 6:

If the opponent cannot be found or reached, there will be a technical victory for the other player. Please report after a time of 10. min to the given admins of the tournament, so that they can enter the result manually.

Point 7:

If you have any problems, please contact the admins who will be announced for each tournament. Please use the "Talk-to- Admins" room on discord and describe your problem.

Point 8:

Please join the channel " BeAsT Cup Organisation" to find your opponents faster. Please type "BeAsT Cup Organisation" into Search[Ingame] and join the chat channel. This makes the work of the admins considerably easier.

Point 9:

We ask that you treat each other with respect. Insults in-game e.g. ("Get out", offivensive "GG") are not tolerated and sanctioned after judgement of the given admin.

Point 10:

We, as the BeAsT Esports organization, are happy to offer streamers the opportunity to use these tournaments as content for their channel.

IMPORTANT! Please register as a streamer with the organizers.

To register, tell them your in-game name + twitch channel.

Registration is one-time!

Point 11:

1st: 25 Dollar 40 OSC Points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players) 2nd: 10 Dollar 15 OSC Points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players) 3rd-4th: 10 OSC Points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players) 5th-8th: 5 OSC Points

Severability Clause:

 Should individual provisions of these rules be invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

The invalid or unenforceable rules shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision,

the effects of which come closest to the objective pursued by the players with the invalid or unenforceable provision.

The above provisions shall apply accordingly in the event that the regulations prove to be incomplete.

Otherwise the householder's rights of the Beast E-Sport Organisation apply

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third














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